Bizon Bango

Pain is the wild in us. Pain is the other to which we are condemned. It is the other that we will never fully understand. The struggle with the wild makes us waver.

In the physical mime performance Bizon Bango, we see two people attempting to understand the wild in themselves and in each other. The stronger the attempt to grasp, the bigger the impossibility of holding or letting go of the other.

BAMBAMBAM is a physical philosophical makers-collective consisting of Tine Tabak, Merette van Hijfte and Niels van Heijningen. A writer/dramaturg and two mimers. In their work they make an attempt to connect the thinking body and the adventurous mind.
For BAMBAMBAM, the physical experiment is central. By actively seeking uncomfortable territory and being open to what can be found there, they come up with plans, images and stories that are uninhibited and life-giving. In this way, BAMBAMBAM hopes to inspire people to live bold, daring and mindful lives themselves.
Bizon Bango was performing together with their previous work Cleaved at Boslab Theater Festival 2023.
Maker/performer | Merette van Hijfte
Maker/performer | Niels van Heijningen
Creator/writer/dramaturg | Tine Tabak
Designer | Annika Leeuwenkuijl & Pleun Verhees
Composer | Sam de Nef
Supervisor | Melyn Chow Jia Jie
Photography | Sjoerd Derine
Made possible by AFK & Janivo
With thanks to Mirjam Hendriks and Gabiëlla Ingerstad
Review Theaterkrant | “Boslab on its best”
Review NRC | “The cleverly executed half-dance-half-wrestle…”
If you are curious about the registration of performance please contact me.
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